Your Choice for Water Well Drilling and Water Pressure System Installation
Types of Water Wells
Dug or bored well (tile well)

Driven point (sand-point)

Drilled well

Grouting and Well Seal
Prevents contaminants to enter the aquifer
Ontario regulations minimum of 3M (~10ft) of sealing material (i.e.: Grout) and minimum size of the borehole diameter 5cm greater than the casing
Grouting material:
Sodium bentonite
Cement grout
Extend well casing minimum of ~16’’-18’’ and slope ground away from wellhead
Vented, Vermin-proof well cap (cover) installed
After water runs chlorine free, return all equipment to service position (water softeners, well cover, etc.).

Well Upgrades
Older wells were not finished above ground level and often were finished in a pit constructed below the frost line or buried
Risk of contamination!
We can fix this problem by extending the casing above ground as per regulation
The installation of a pit-less adapter will then also make it easier to access your pump and lines for service

Well Location
Septic tank:
30M (~100ft) from any non-watertight wastewater system
Sealed well that complies with standards 15M (~50ft) from non-watertight wastewater system
15m from a watertight wastewater system
30M (~100ft) from raising facility or animal waste storage *Extended to 75m (~245ft) from winter enclosure for beef cattle
Must be a certain distance from building or any other source of contamination
Groundwater Catchment Regulation
